Prayer Request Prayer Wall

Praying for others in Intercessory Prayer is an honor and a privilege we take very seriously. Your requests are brought in prayer each week during our powerful prayer meetings.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we come together finding healing, deliverance, restoration, freedom and true faith one-day-at-a-time.

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Once you fill out the PRAYER REQUEST the information from the form goes into our database in order for us to now keep in touch and keep in prayer through our growing intercessory prayer teams. We also send invitations to different online Christian programs or updates from Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc.


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I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Seriously speaking I am in a situation with Alexander the owner of the boarding house and he is mentally abused me and since he knows that I desperately need this room he takes full advantage of the situation if God really cared about me He would provide a one bedroom apartment for me asap God sees what I am going thru and how Alexander and Carlos steal my food, money, jewelry and documents to disturb my peace please tell me when is God going to anything for me I have been waiting for many years for a huge miracle that because of Alexander and Carlos I literally throw in the towel no more praying for no more reading the bible my ex husband Owen Stephan left me broke after many years of marriage took all my alimony with him and got himself a lying stealing of an attorney Owen knew full well that I could not afford the rent and i had to provide for me and our son we were evicted from our apartment and owen got away with everything so now please tell me where was God's justice when I commit suicide then God will react enough is enough I have been abused all my life by family members coworkers, bosses who took advantage of me and have always payed me the minimum wage while all my coworkers lied on me where was God where is His justice against my enemies you can only imagine what I am going thru if I complain to God about my housing He punishes me severely I dare ask why did He create me what is my reason to be here all my life my mother forced me to be good and allow others to abuse me and she would just laugh about it when cried to her for help my mother was the devil she made sure that she made my life a living hell no body cares about me or my situation I was so angry that I text Alexander everything that I felt and now I am freaking out because I don't have no where to live and God does not listen to me pain is all He offers me so how can anyone ask to pray to God when He can seeing what I am up against and does nothing

Received: April 15, 2024

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