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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.

Gilbert Shea

Hello please pray for my ex-girlfriend who just left me about 30 days ago. When I met her she was addicted to fentanyl though I did not know this in the beginning. I quickly fell in love with her, and was determined to help her get free from this addiction. She received Jesus as a lord and savior about 4 months ago, but the enemy creating a problem that caused her to move back to her ex-boyfriend's house where she began using it again, and her addiction is now worse than it was before, she is dying slowly from this drug I fear she will not make it for another year unless God intervenes immediately. Her name is Shannon she's 47 years old. This drug has given her breathing trouble like very severe COPD, that requires her to take oxygen and breathing treatments. I helped her to give sober for 30 days, and remarkably miraculously all of these breathing problems disappeared. But now that she's going back to using and her addiction is now worse than before these problems are quickly returned. She lives with a man who deals this drug and other men as well that live in the house and I believe they all give her this drug. My son died of this drug at age 22 about 7 months ago, and I hate to lose somebody else to this epidemic. I still love this woman very much, and I pray that the Lord will not only deliver her from this drug that he will get her away from these people that are giving it to her, and help her to return to the Lord. She will not come out in you other way unless the Lord intervene. She used to express our desire when I first met her to get free from the drug and eventually I was able to help her do that for a month, but now since she's resumed the use of the drug, she never mentions quitting or want a desire to get sober again it's like now she's more addicted than she was previously, she no longer speaks to me at all. I asked whoever is reading this please pray passionately the Lord for intervene and that he will separate it from these people help her to get free from this drug and that he would restore a relationship between her and I once again so that we can talk again I'm the only person that would be praying for her right now all of her family members have passed on, so unless we pray for her I can't think of anybody else who will and I don't want her to die in our sins or to die Young, please pray the Lord will intervene quickly and ask the Lord that he would restore our relationship so that which being one another's lives again if he wills it do be so. This drug has a way of just changing people and making them not love themselves or anyone else all they love is that drug, it's unlike any other drug in this respect. I do believe that the fervent prayer of the righteous person it's powerful and effective, and that God is able. I wish to marry this woman call me and she knows this too. I would like to make my wife. I do love her very much. So I'm asking all the things of God in Christ Jesus we see this, please cry out for Shannon and myself, we covered your prayers and I thank you wholeheartedly God bless you all.

Received: April 7, 2024

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