Prayer Request Prayer Wall

Praying for others in Intercessory Prayer is an honor and a privilege we take very seriously. Your requests are brought in prayer each week during our powerful prayer meetings.  As believers in Jesus Christ, we come together finding healing, deliverance, restoration, freedom and true faith one-day-at-a-time.

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PLEASE NOTE: You do not have the repeat the prayer request.  Prayer requests are not posted immediately we have monitors who will go over each prayer request individually.  So requests can be delayed before posting.

Once you fill out the PRAYER REQUEST the information from the form goes into our database in order for us to now keep in touch and keep in prayer through our growing intercessory prayer teams. We also send invitations to different online Christian programs or updates from Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc.


You will receive emails from Good News Broadcasting & Multimedia, Inc or Prayer Warriors 365 only. 

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


On the TV show Star Trek Next Generation, they had a room called the holodeck. It was like and advanced virtual reality room. You choose what program you want and enter the room. Nowadays with VR and photorealistic video games it's not hard to imagine this world (as Elon Musk suggests) is a hologram of sorts. My faith in God, and the Bible, has taken a hit. Why? Because even though I "tested the spirit" as the Bible suggests, the spirit failed me. God (And the Bible) made promises. "Call on me and I will answer you". "Ask and you will receive" "I am the good shepherd". The Good Shepard, while I was a lamb, threw me to the wolves. Parents who were narcissists hell bent on destroying me. And did. And much like Job in the Bible, he gave the devil permission to attack me. I feel like I'm in a Hell dimension whereas Job said, "That which I feared most has come upon me". And it's been upon me for decades. In fact, I didn't even know or imagine such things before they came upon me. It's like whoever has programmed my hologram (as it were) is evil. Whoever is running my holodeck program is hell bent on hurting me. And I can't get out. It's a nightmare life I can't wake up from. I've prayed, posted prayers in hopes folks will pray on my behalf (The Bible promises where two or more pray I will answer), but nothing gives. I'm stuck. Stagnating. I'm becoming a senior citizen, and nothing has gotten better. I'm still poor. I'm still friendless, wifeless, my health is crap, no joy, no hope, no family, misery for decades, seemingly demonic attack after demonic attack. And where is Heaven? Where is the Devine Calvary to rescue me? Where is God? Jesus? Please pray for me. I'm so profoundly sad and hopeless.

Received: March 29, 2024

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